and St. Columbanus Parish Weston, IA
St. Patrick Parish Neola, IA
311 3rd St
Neola, IA 51559
ph: 712-485-2750
St Patrick Catholic Church
311 3rd Street
PO Box 127
Neola, IA 51559
Parish Office: 712-485-2750
Priest Office: 712-485-2753
Religious Ed Office: 712-485-2754
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Des Moines
Sat: 5:30 PM (April to September) 4:00 PM (October to March)
Sun: 9:30 AM
Weekday: See bulletin for current schedule
Holy Days: As Announced
22720 Weston Ave
Underwood, IA 51576-3920
Served from Neola
Sunday Morning: 8:00 AM
Holidays: As announced in the bulletin
Reconciliation by appointment.
We welcome you into God’s family! If you are interested in learning more about our church, or would like to join, please pick up a registration form at one of the entrances of the church, stop by the parish office, or call Father Julius Itamid for an appointment.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: To have your child baptized you must be a registered parishioner in good standing for at least three months before requesting a baptismal date. Baptismal requests must be made at least one month before the desired date. A baptismal class is required for first time parents and other parents who have not had a formal baptismal class. The class is held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm. Pre-registration is required by calling the parish office.
SACRAMENT OF THE SICK (ANOINTING): Anointing is available upon request. It is available: in serious illness, before surgery & in emergency at anytime. Please call the parish office.
PASTORAL VISITATIONS: Please call the parish office when a parishioner is admitted to any of the hospitals or care centers. Hospitals no longer alert us to that information due to a confidentiality law. If a homebound parishioner would like a pastoral visit, or to receive the Eucharist, call the parish office. The Eucharist is taken to the homebound on Sundays by Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION): Before Mass on the first Saturday of each month. For the winter months when Mass is at 4:00, Reconciliation will be from 3:00 to 3:45. In the summer months when Mass is at 5:30, Reconciliation will be from 4:30 to 5:15.
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION: The process of becoming a Catholic or completing the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation for adults or children is celebrated in the parish. Please call the parish office for further information.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY (MARRIAGE): To be married at the parish, you or your intended spouse or your parents must be a registered parishioner in good standing for at least six months before a date can be requested, with a minimum of six months for marriage preparation. The couple therefore needs to talk with a priest or deacon six months before the anticipated wedding date. Do not rent a hall for reception before seeing & meeting with a priest or deacon AND before your wedding is placed in the parish calendar. If a prior marriage is involved; one year notice may be necessary. Please plan accordingly.
WEEKLY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Fridays: after 8:30 a.m. Mass till 10:00 a.m.
UPDATE OF PARISH ROSTER: A constant effort of the parish office is updating our current registered parishioners. If you are new to the parish, please call the parish office to register. If you are moving to a new location, or if parishioners know of someone who has moved, please call the parish office.
PRAYER CHAIN: To request prayers, call Bonnie Turner at 712-485-2570 or 402-672-3756 and she will start the process to get the 30+ individuals on the chain praying for your intention. There is also a prayer intention book at the entrance of church in which you can offer/write your prayer intention/request.
NEOLA CEMETERY: Please contact the Parish Office at 712-485-2750 or visit our website at for all cemetery inquiries.
Copyright 2015 St. Patrick Parish Neola, IA. All rights reserved.
St. Patrick Parish Neola, IA
311 3rd St
Neola, IA 51559
ph: 712-485-2750